Maison Antech

Located in Languedoc · France

A constant quest to experiment and improve is behind the success of Maison Antech, a family winery that’s been present in the Limoux region for more than five centuries. Wines from this area are strongly influenced by a trio of natural features – the Pyrenees, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

Building on a solid foundation of heritage and tradition, Maison Antech has carried out a range of vine research projects to bring out the very best of the their land, using their highest vineyards to try out new propagation methods on old vine stocks located on south-facing slopes at 400 metres above sea level.

Much was achieved here by Georges and Roger Antech, an inseparable pair of brothers who took over the winery at an early age and claim not to have had an argument in their 50 years of working together. In the 1970s, they made the decision to focus solely on sparkling wines.

The reins of the estate were handed to Françoise, the sixth generation, in 1996. As well as a strong commitment to maintaining her forebears’ approach, she is also heavily involved in the region's social action, getting involved with local art collectives, student groups and projects aimed at helping people rejoin the workforce. 

Alongside this social conscience is a commitment to sustainability – the winery gained Terra Vitis certification in 2013, and has recycling and energy reduction practices in place on site.